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The Gadgeteer by W.H. Arthur is a superhero rpg for 3-6 players (including an MC). The game itself is made for one-shot play but it can be linked together with other games from WH Arthur's Superhero Cinematic Universe TTRPG universe to form a connected narrative.

This is a framework I find really exciting but even if you just play the Gadgeteer as a one shot you've still got a complete and satisfying story with a dynamic and refreshing take on the superhero.

The game focuses on a gadget-based superhero fighting a tech conglomerate in a cyberpunk dystopia. Unlike a lot of gadget-based heroes though, the Gadgeteer isn't a millionaire, they're a broke genius teaming with a ragtag group of friends to shatter the system.

The playbooks in the game, besides the Gadgeteer, include the Punk, the Graffiti Artist, the Hacktivist and the Rider. Playing working class people screwed over by corporations makes the game feel like a response to a militarization of superheroes you see in some modern stories.

The Gadgeteer feels like a superhero story aligned with early working class hero Superman, who'd go around knocking the heads of corrupt landlords and abusers.

The mechanics of the game are inspired by Apocalypse World, Lady Blackbird and Uncanny Echo. Rolls are a dice pool of d6 determined by the relevant role on your okaybook and applicable tags. It's super straightforward while linking everything to who your characters are.

There are also two competing clocks (Technoarchy and Disruption) which help control the pace and momentum of the game. The mechanics of the game are simple to grasp, the game feels low prep to me, and it's all really cool abd exciting.

If you're looking for a game of superheroes smashing the system be sure to pick up the Gadgeteer. I really love it.